SaaS-platform for mobile health applications

SaaS-platform for mobile health applications

Autoren: Berndt, R.-D., Takenga, M.C., Kuehn, S., Preik, P., Sommer, G., Berndt, S

In the proceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2012, S. 1 ff., Chemnitz, Germany March 2012 


Involving information and communication technology in health solutions has shown to raise satisfaction for both health care providers and patients. Several research works have been focusing on this issue, since it appears to be the suited solution for reaching an economically and socially viable solution to the increasing number of chronically ill patients which is currently stressing the healthcare systems. In today’s context, Software as a Service (SaaS), a model in which software and its associated data are hosted centrally and are typically accessed by users using client interfaces, has become a common delivery model for several applications. However, security and privacy issues have to be given more attention in most of these implementation environments. This paper introduces an innovative SaaSPlatform suited for the implementation of mobile health solutions. The platform utilizes state-of-the art technologies in information and communication systems. It follows the principles of services oriented architecture and delivers services as a SaaS.
The SaaS-Platform has a four-layer architecture model which includes the middle layer, the application layer, the communication layer and the user layer. At the application layer,
solutions can be presented as web-interfaces, mobile-interfaces or client software. Basic tasks such as secure data communication, secure data storage, user management and easy-to-use interfaces are offered by the SaaS-Platform. The architecture and basic functions of the platform will be presented. The implementation of a number of telemedical and e-Health solutions on this Platform has been performed successfully.

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