Category: Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung

Artikelveröffentlichung „Der Hautarzt“

Das Hauptziel bestand in der Realisierung einer teledermatologischen Patientenbetreuung für die Behandlung von hauterkrankten Patienten in strukturschwachen Regionen am Beispiel von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV) durch den Auf- und Ausbau telemedizinischer Strukturen.

Impact of Information Technology on the Therapy of Type-1 Diabetes: A Case Study of Children and Adolescents in Germany

Autoren: Rolf-Dietrich Berndt, Claude Takenga, Petra Preik, Sebastian Kuehn, Luise Berndt, Herbert Mayer, Alexander Kaps and Ralf Schiel Being able to manage and adjust insulin doses is a key part of managing type-1 diabetes. Children and adolescents with type-1 diabetes mellitus often have serious difficulties with this dosage adjustment.

An ICT-based Diabetes Management System tested for Health Care Delivery in the African Context

Autoren: Claude Takenga, Rolf-Dietrich Berndt, Olivier Musongya, Joël Kitero, Remi Katoke, Kakule Molo, Basile Kazingufu, Malikwisha Meni, Mambo Vikandy, Henri Takenga Accepted for publication, International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, 2014 Kurzfassung The demand for new healthcare services is growing rapidly. Improving accessibility of the African population to diabetes care seems to be a big challenge …

Validation of a SaaS-based Platform for Mobile Health Applications

Autoren: R-D. Berndt, M. C. Takenga, S. Kuehn, P. Preik, L. Berndt, S. Berndt Accepted for publication in the international journal Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices, 2013 Kurzfassung: The demand for new healthcare services is growing rapidly. Involving ICT in health solutions has shown to raise satisfaction for both health care providers and patients.

Development of a mobile Teledermatology System

Autoren: R-D. Berndt, M. C. Takenga, S. Kuehn, P. Preik, D. Dubbermann, M. Juenger Accepted for publication in the Journal Telemed J E Health, 2012 Objective: The increasing number of elderly and chronically ill patients is currently stressing the healthcare systems. One of the solutions for reaching an economically and socially viable solution is exploiting the benefits of modern …

An Assisted Living System for the Elderly – FEARLESS Concept

Autoren: R-D. Berndt, M. C. Takenga, S. Kuehn, P. Preik, S. Berndt, M. Brandstoetter, R. Planinc IADIS International Conference, e-Health 2012, S. 131 ff., Lisbon, Portugal, 17.-23. Juli 2012 Kurzfassung: Elderly usually have fears arising from themselves and their home environment. About 50 percent of the elderly suffer from fear of falling. A number of them …

Stress and Fitness Monitoring embedded on a modern Telematics Platform

Autoren: M. C. Takenga, R-D. Berndt, S. Kuehn, P. Preik, N. Stoll2, K. Thurow, M. Kumar, S. Behrendt, M. Weippert, A. Rieger, R. Stoll Published in the journal Telemedicine and e-Health, Telemed J E Health. 2012, VOL. 18 No.5, S. 371 ff., Juni 2012 Kurzfassung: The lack of regular physical activity and high-stress levels are the leading …

SaaS-platform for mobile health applications

Autoren: Berndt, R.-D., Takenga, M.C., Kuehn, S., Preik, P., Sommer, G., Berndt, S In the proceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2012, S. 1 ff., Chemnitz, Germany March 2012  Kurzfassung: Involving information and communication technology in health solutions has shown to raise satisfaction for both health care providers and patients.

Telematics Platform: Implementation of Health Solutions

Autoren: R-D. Berndt, M. C. Takenga, S. Kuehn, P. Preik In Proceedings of the 9th International Forum Life Science Automation and medical automation, Washington D.C., USA, December 2011 Kurzfassung: Involving information and communication technology in health solutions has shown to raise satisfaction for both health care providers and patients. This appears to be the suited solution …

A scalable and secure telematics platform for the hosting of telemedical applications. Case study of a stress and fitness monitoring

Autoren: Berndt R.-D., Takenga M.C., Kuehn S., Preik P., Stoll N., Thurow K., Kumar M., Weippert M., Rieger A., Stoll R. in Proceedings of the ieee 13th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), S. 118  ff., Columbia, USA, 2011 Kurzfassung: Mobile telemedical applications are of crucial importance today as they do offer the potential …
